The Sigma Beta Club has been a positive force in the lives of young men in the city of Cleveland since the early 2000’s. The brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. strive to not only be the guiding role models for these young men while in the club but long after they have matriculated out and into the real world, hoping that the ideals and experiences gained carry well into the next chapter of their lives. Here are just a few past members of the Sigma Beta Club who can attest to their experience and time as a member:
Name: Richard “RJ” Johnson
*Recent graduate of Howard University, Spring 2015 initiate of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. Alpha Chapter
Sigma Beta Club Induction Class: Spring 2013
“Back in 2013, I was inducted into the Sigma Beta Club by the brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Incorporated Gamma Alpha Sigma chapter. Through joining the Sigma Beta Club the brothers mentored me along with the other members of the club. Being in the club offered special chances to represent healthy esteems, initiative aptitudes, instructive improvement, business preparing, advancement, and social attention to us. The club was additionally ready to give an open door development of my qualities, initiative aptitudes and social mindfulness. What made my time as a Sigma Beta more worthwhile was how the brothers of Phi Beta Sigma treated myself and the other members and along with them accepting us as if we were brothers of their organization as well. From my time spent as a Sigma Beta, it inspired me to become what I am today and that is a member myself, of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Incorporated joining in the Spring 15 through the Alpha chapter at Howard University.”
Name: Karlton Aaron Laster
*Former Assistant Director of Government and Community Relations @ Case Western Reserve University, Fall 2016 initiate of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. Gamma Alpha Sigma Chapter
Sigma Beta Club Induction Class: Fall 2004
“I was in the Sigma Beta Club at Benedictine High School from 2004-08. Our advisors were Bros. Bobby Shepard & Victor Hill. At the time, Sigma Beta Club was the only club or outlet for the significant black student population at Benedictine; so, in many ways, if you were black you were a de facto member of Sigma Beta Club. The meetings were held in the gym because since so many black students used that as their club activity, there were almost 60 students at meetings during my freshman and sophomore year, when it was most active. The upperclassman took it serious and used it as a mentoring tool for the underclassman. We had real conversations on current events, sports, social justice, and just navigating Benedictine as a minority student (which had its challenges, but nowhere close to what it’d be like if we had attended St. Edward or St. Ignatius). I remember we held an annual bake sale as a fundraiser. However, most importantly, it was great to have Bros. Shepard & Hill provide strong examples of “Brotherhood, Scholarship, & Service” through their leadership and how that was mirrored by our upperclassmen. I think Sigma Beta Club helped many members go on to college and eventually pledge Sigma; moreover, it provided allowed young black men to be comfortable with each other and grow together in a space that’s their own.”
Name: Tyson D. Long
*Student at Morehouse College – Business & Finance Major
Sigma Beta Club Induction Class: 2008
“I had been a member of the Sigma Beta Club for as far back as I can remember. I became a member while my dad Ed Long was president of the Gamma Alpha Sigma Chapter. Through my involvement, I have had the most rewarding experiences. From participating in several service projects such as Susan G. Koman Relay for Life, the Annual Adopt-A-Family for Christmas Project to the Annual Stuff the Bus initiative. There was also teen programming like The Cleveland Teen Summit as well as the Teen Legislative Summit which was headed by Jack & Jill of America’s Cleveland Teen Group which I was the president of. The brothers of Phi Beta Sigma were always available for mentorship. They were willing to take the time to express the importance of leadership, education, professionalism and community service. I would definitely recommend anyone looking for a youth mentoring program for young African American boys to look to the Sigma Beta Club. The rewards are immeasurable.”